EnNAIN (“Bring Beauty to Life”) was founded to unearth the source of skin rejuvenation and empower endless beauty opportunities.
Developed by American Molecular Biologist, EnNAIN is dedicated to the source of all skin concerns. After more than a decade of dedicated and faithful research, EnNAIN successfully formulated the total skin rejuvenation solution. Superbly refined, the formula activates the skin’s innermost revitalizing ability. Rejuvenating, restoring and revealing the healthy, youthful skin that was there all along from the beginning of time. Overnight beauty resurrection is now, possible.
EnNAIN addresses Asian women’s topmost concerns – spots and wrinkles. Clinically proven to reduce melanin by 25%1 and wrinkles by 35%2 in 4 weeks.
1.Based on the results of the study conducted by Neo Derm in 2020, where 18 models participated within a 1-month period (As measured by Skin Snap).
2.Based on the results of the study conducted by NeoDerm in 2020, where 17 models participated within a 1-month period (As measured by ANTERA 3D®)